Iseki Microtunnelling
We are constantly striving to ensure we have the right equipment to meet our clients' unique and tailored needs.
Boasting circa 30 Iseki machines in our fleet, we are able to offer four different types of Iseki machinery to suit ALL ground conditions. From 250mm internal diameter pipes to 2,500mm – your tunnelling demands will be met efficiently and effectively.
With our bespoke fleet, we can assist projects spanning anywhere across the globe. This includes supporting major infrastructure projects such as one of the world’s largest wastewater projects in Kuwait.
When you hire with us, we endeavour to offer:
- Rapid mobilisation
- Reduced significant expenditure and long-term financing
- Making Small-to-medium projects more commercially viable
- Flexibility by providing by modular systems, and
- Cost-effective introduction to microtunnelling for first-time users of our services.
UK representation of Iseki Poly-tech Inc. was purchased by the Joseph Gallagher Group in 2009 and operates as a division of the Group’s subsidiary firm, Specialist Plant Associates, the business includes the hire and sale of microtunnelling systems, allowing the business to offer a full package of services to clients and project partners.