Joseph Gallagher International
Our reputation as the preferred UK tunnelling contractor and JV partner in the Middle East is testament to the high-quality work we have delivered in the region over the last decade.
Our acquisition of Iseki Poly-tech UK widened our scope to the international market, with our first overseas contract awarded in 2010.
Our landmark reputation in the Middle East is built on a foundation of successful microtunnelling and pipe jacking projects across the Gulf, including Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE.
We lead the way in trenchless technology across the Middle East, excelling in all forms of non-invasive construction techniques and have recently delivered the Emergency Sea Outfall on the Umm Al Hayman wastewater treatment works in the Arabian Gulf off the coast of Kuwait - one of the largest and longest sea outfalls in the world.
We make every effort to align with best practices and internationally recognised standards. We’re leading members of the UK Pipe Jacking Association and the British Tunnelling Society. Membership to these illustrious, professional bodies further pushes our installations, knowledge and reputation to an even higher standard – as well as gives us a continued understanding of the developments and principles of pipe jacking.
Our projects in the Middle East span from creating pipelines under the busiest highways in Bahrain to the delivery of one of the world's major Emergency Sea Outfall projects in Kuwait. We've had the pleasure of hosting a number of ministerial and foreign embassy visits to showcase our work in the Middle East, which in turn has led to special trips being made to the UK to specifically view our the work at our London flagship project - Thames Tideway.