
Shaft Sinking
High-quality shafts is a core part of our tunnelling offer. With extensive capabilities to construct shafts of all sizes and depths, you can trust us to deliver your shaft with confidence.

Sprayed Concrete Lining
For large diameter and complex-shaped tunnel construction, Sprayed Concrete Lining is the ideal solution for projects anywhere in the world.

HDD Horizontal Drilling
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a favoured trenchless pipe installation technique. The reason for its popularity is down to its convenience and unrivalled speed of implementation.

Plant and Crane Hire
Our sister company NRC Plant offer stage V eco Cranes and Plant Hire Services serving projects across the country and overseas. Exclusive UK and Ireland dealers for HSC, LinkBelt and Maeda cranes.

Structural Alterations & Refurbishments
Heritage buildings are often in need of repair as they age. We diversified into the Structures sector since 2004 offering solutions in structural alterations and refurbishments.

Basement & Underpinning
Our experience and skillset means we are well equipped to diversify our range of services into different industries. A growing area of demand is Basement and Underpinning.

Pipe Jacking
One of our most popular used trenchless tunnelling techniques across our projects in the UK and overseas is Pipe-Jacking

Civil Engineering
Our people are well equipped with the skills, experience and enthusiasm to deliver quality solutions across a range of highways infrastructure and specialist civil engineering works.

Reinforced Concrete Structures
With our extensive experience in delivering civils and tunnels projects - in 2004 we knew that our people had the skillset to deliver core services in the Structures market and have competed well.

Specialist Labour Supply - Tunnelling
Our capability to provide experienced and hardworking labour for projects across the country is unmatched – as is our ability to provide a rapid and efficient team ready to take on your project.

Auger Boring
Our auger-boring services are unrivalled, having both the equipment and trained people at our fingertips. A popular technique used for it high levels of safety and precision.

Pipe Bursting
We offer the modern option for pipe replacement, pipe-jacking uses the existing pipeline as a guide. It’s non-invasive and fast, cutting the pipeline and simultaneously laying a new pipe in its place.

Design Services
Our in-house Design Service provides a fundamental service for projects that require bespoke design engineering solutions using a collaborative approach with project partners, clients or contractors.

Temporary Works
Temporary Works are an essential part of any project. Boasting a multi-skilled workforce and inhouse design team - we collaborate, design and deliver bespoke solutions for our clients.

Enabling Works
Not only do we deliver on major projects - we frequently are called upon to deliver Enabling Works on projects of all scales to ensure that sites are ready for major works to commence.

Shield Driven Tunnels
Tunnelling is a service that requires a wealth of experience, due to its wide range of sizes, shapes and environments. Our Shield Driven Tunnelling solution starts from 1.2m diameter tunnels to 7.15m.

Our SPA subsidiary and it's Iseki Microtunnelling division are the leading providers in tunnelling and hire equipment. With over 30 Iseki machines we can cater for the most complex ground conditions.

Compressed Air Services
Bringing you the UK's only company to provide specialist compressed air solutions for complex projects around the world.

Sea Outfalls
Successful UK sea outfall projects resulted in taking on bigger projects overseas. Rapid access to Group assets from skilled labour, Iseki TBMs, equipment, NRC cranes made us the preferred partner.

Drill and Blast
Unique to our business is our drill and blast services - used mainly within our mining projects. We combine our experience with the controlled use of explosives/gas pressure blasting pyrotechnics.

Box Jacking Tunnels
Box jacking is a tunnelling method that involves the jacking of rectangular reinforced cement concrete (RCC) sections into the ground, predominately used in highway construction.