Project Title

Acton Storm Tanks (Syphon Main Diversion)


Balfour Beatty, Morgan Sindall and BAM Nuttall (BMB JV) approached JGL to tender for the works for the installation of a new 900mm id concrete pipeline and connections into two manhole chambers.


Thames Tideway
Main Contractor:
Morgan Sindall & BAM Nuttall JV
12 weeks
  • Successful design of the temporary works from JGL's design team, enabling works to commence on time,
  • Rigorous stakeholder management with regular engagement with key stakeholders and service providers,
  • No accidents were reported on site given the narrow parameters of working within a public area.

Contact usTo hear about our experiences and how we can help you.

Project Overview

Joseph Gallagher are proud to have already completed several major projects for Thames Tideway across all three sections of the project since 2018. Balfour Beatty, Morgan Sindall and BAM Nuttall (BMB JV) delivery partner approached JGL to tender for the works, which involved the installation of a new 900mm diameter concrete pipeline and connections into two existing manhole chambers.

Following our appointment, the final scope of works consisted of installing 2no. sheeted pits at 6m deep and Microtunnelling a distance of 45m with final connections into the existing two manhole chambers.


The single biggest challenge facing the project was the risk of settlement during the works. The correct method of works and sequencing was instrumental for keeping any potential settlement to a minimum. We proposed to install a line of driven sheet piles on the boundary side adjacent to the highway that contained the key utility services. Careful consideration was also given to the type of piling implemented, a pre-augering with a pile press solution was adopted as it allowed the settlement to be kept to a minimum.

There were multiple obstructions that needed to be removed as the shaft excavations proceeded downwards. This resulted in a 'dig a push' method for the remaining side of the shaft. JGL were able to lean on the Group's extensive services and resources to complete these complex works.

Microtunnelling underway at Acton
Microtunnelling underway at Acton

Added Value

  • Repeat work on Tideway projects meant that we were able to offer a trained, inducted and highly experienced team with ease.
  • Design innovation offered through our design service to simplify connections to the existing sewer and ground settlement risk during the pit excavation.
  • An extensive and highly trained tunnelling workforce plus rapid access to Group subsidiary assets such as microtunnelling equipment and crane hire from NRC Plant Ltd and SPA, allowed valuable project efficiencies to benefit both the project and client.

To hear about our experiences and how we can help you.

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Our SPA subsidiary and it's Iseki Microtunnelling division are the leading providers in tunnelling and hire equipment. With over 30 Iseki machines we can cater for the most complex ground conditions.

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Our people are well equipped with the skills, experience and enthusiasm to deliver quality solutions across a range of highways infrastructure and specialist civil engineering works.